Q. What is the minimum age required to conduct DMIT?
Ans. 4 years and above.

Q. Can DMIT be done at any age after 4 years?
A. Yes, once the person has completed his 4 years, DMIT can be done at any age.

Q. How DMIT is conducted?
A. For DMIT, all 10 fingerprints are collected via scanner and three ATD points are collected from both the palms for Further analysis are done. The report is generated which will be consulted by professional.

Q. What is the process of the test?
A. The test is done in two sessions. In first session, the finger prints are collected and in second session report counselling.

DMIT Concept

Q. The report is of how many pages and what is the language of the report?
A. Report comes in 4 types. They are of 11 pages, 33 pages, 55 pages and 77 pages. Also it comes in English as well as Marathi language.

Q. Is it true that this test is to be done only once in lifetime?
A. Yes, as fingerprints never changes ever in entire lifetime, thus the analysis too. So DMIT once done, need not be repeated. If repeated, the results will be the same.

Q. How many days does this test takes to generate?
A. Since fingerprints are collected, it takes maximum 3 working days to generate report.

Q. How much time does the consultancy takes?
A. Ideally consultancy is an hour long, it may go further in case of any further consultation is required by the client.